Reflexology works similar to acupressure/acupuncture. It is the technique of applying gentle pressure to the reflexes on the feet and hands in order to bring about a state of deep relaxation. It encourages and stimulates the body’s own healing process helping it to return to a natural state of balance, physical and emotional well-being. Certain areas on the foot (or hand) correspond to the organs and the systems of the body. 3 major benefits of reflexology – 1) Reduce stress and induce relaxation. 2) Improves circulation and 3) Balance the systems of the body.
Offered by: Sharon Bullen and Kim Garland
Facial Reflexology
The reflexologist works specific reflex’s points on the face. It involves gentle , precise movements and it can be a deeply relaxing holistic therapy. It combines the health benefits of other reflexology treatments with a beauty element of hydrated, naturally glowing skin. And the use of organic products.
Other Types
Hot stone, Baby/Child, Pregnancy/Maternity, Fertility, Cancer & Palliative and Hand Reflexology.