
Gentle relaxing therapy that is used to balance the body, mind and soul. It works on the body’s energy system (including chakras and meridians, much like Acupuncture, that can complement other therapies like crystal healing) to move stuck and stagnant energy from the body to rebalance and reboot the system. 

Reiki has the following benefits: Promotes Deep Relaxation, Rest and Sleep Relieves Stress and Anxiety Promotes Pain Relief Eases Muscle Tension Increases Rate of Recovery from Injury Brings Peace to Mind and Body Energises and Balances the Whole Body Strengthens the Immune System

The word Reiki, from Japanese words – Rei (Universal) and Ki (Energy). An energy-based healing technique whereby the healer (Reiki practitioner) uses their knowledge and experience to become a channel for Universal or Life Force Energy. In a balanced and loving state, the healer channels that energy to and through their patient or client to help their own ability to heal emotionally and/or physically.

Reiki Share 

A group session of reiki healing lead by a Reiki Master. The format of the evening is:

  • we have a cup of tea to slow down, leave the day behind and connect
  • we gather in a circle for a short meditation to connect with earth and cosmic energies, go within, create the group field energy and safe space container (protective bubble)
  • we may include some healing requests
  • we create 1 or 2 sets and each person has a turn to lie on the bed (or sit if you prefer) for 10-15 minutes to receive whilst everyone else gives Reiki. Those not yet atuned will be able to give Reiki through channeling via the reiki masters and practitioners.

Sekhem Reiki

Sekhem Reiki is an energy healing system that was received and developed in 1980 by Patrick Zeigler during an eventful night in the main chamber of the Great Pyramid at Giza, Egypt.

In short, Sekhem is a method of opening up the energy of the heart centre, or chakra, through which one can access their soul and establish a connection to earth, heaven and the Source, and subsequently receive healing, wisdom and ever increasing levels of freedom.

The name Sekhem was received by Patrick in deep meditation and today it goes by other similarly spelled names such as SKHM, Seichim, Seichem and others, but Patrick has also renamed the energy to All-Love, to put an emphasis on the heart and emotional aspect of the system.

The discovery of Sekhem energy healing allowed Patrick to spread this powerful healing around the world to help people trigger their own healing process and empower them to make positive changes in their lives.

As a Sekhem healing practitioner, I connect deeply with Source energy and set up a resonance in the person being healed. This allows you to connect yourself, which means you are essentially healing yourself, guided by the practioner.

Offered by: Lesley Zocher

Angelic Reiki

Angelic reiki is a safe, completely natural method of healing that addresses any physical, mental and emotional imbalances within the body. Angelic reiki works at a soul level with the beautiful energies of love and wisdom from the angels to facilitate balance and wellbeing . The practitioner holds the space and becomes the channel for the angelic vibration to pass to the client through the practitioner’s hands. The client receives the most perfect healing for their highest good.

Offered by: Sharon Bullen

Art Credit: Gillian Turner